

淡江大學FTP伺服器. /檔案列表/Linux/Ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xmodem/. 首頁 > Linux > Ubuntu > ubuntu > pool > universe > x > xmodem.


2022年10月20日 — 超级终端的Xmodem文件传输协议为基于点对点连接的服务与客户端间的通信,提供了一种固定包长度的简单的连续文件传输协议。 Linux下串口工具minicom的使用.

Xmodem 协议介绍及应用(基于ESP

2021年2月7日 — Xmodem 和Ymodem 是串口通信中广泛用到的异步文件传输协议。这个协议包括了文件的识别、传送的起止时间、错误的判断与纠正等内容。Xmodem、Ymodem 和 ...

Transferring a file via the XMODEM protocol through ...

2023年6月6日 — XMODEM is a half-dup communication protocol with an effective error detection device. What is the complementary command to 'rx' for xmodem ...

Looking for file transfer tool with XMODEM on Linux

H,. I am looking for a simple solution for receiving files with the XMODEM protocol with a conventional V.32bis Modem on Linux.


ZMODEM greatly simplifies file transfers compared to XMODEM. In addition to a friendly user interface, ZMODEM provides Personal Computer and other users an ...

sx, sb, sz

Sz sends one or more files with ZMODEM protocol. ZMODEM greatly simplifies file transfers compared to XMODEM. In addition to a friendly user interface, ZMODEM ...

Send file by xmodem or kermit protocol with GNU screen

2012年11月25日 — the best way to pass a file through xmodem is to use sx . In debian this application is part of 'lrzsz' package. In debian:

XMODEM in 2022

2022年5月31日 — XMODEM is a very simple protocol for sending data over a serial link. It's a way to transmit files from a host (which is sending the file) to a ...

每天一個Linux 命令:用SecureCRT 來上傳和下載文件

2021年8月27日 — Xmodem:這種古老的傳輸協議速度較慢,但由於使用了CRC 錯誤偵測方法,傳輸的準確率可高達99.6%。 Ymodem:這是Xmodem 的改良版,使用了1024 位區段 ...

LePutty - Putty with Zmodem檔案傳輸

LePutty - Putty with Zmodem檔案傳輸



